四、高可用集群的分类 1.双机热备(Active/Passive) 官方说明:Two-node Active/Passive clusters using Pacemaker and DRBD are a cost-effective solution for many High Availability situations.
2.多节点热备(N+1) 官方说明:By supporting many nodes, Pacemaker can dramatically reduce hardware costs by allowing several active/passive clusters to be combined and share a common backup node.
3.多节点共享存储(N-TO-N) 官方说明:When shared storage is available, every node can potentially be used for failover. Pacemaker can even run multiple copies of services to spread out the workload.
4.共享存储热备 (Split Site) 官方说明:Pacemaker 1.2 will include enhancements to simplify the creation of split-site clusters.